Tai O is located in Islands and has a population of 2,000 inhabitants. Central is located in Central and Western and has a population of 2,000 inhabitants.
By car, the route between Tai O and Central corresponds to a distance of and the duration of the course is .
See also other road maps from Tai O to Central (bike route, on foot, by bus or train).
By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .
Distances | Roadmaps | Populations |
Other names : Da'ao, Da’ao, Tai O, Tai O Town, Tai ho, Taj O, da ao, Тай О, 大澳
Place | Distance |
Airports | Cities | Distances |
Chek Lap Kok International Airport | Hong Kong | 8 km |
Shek Kong Air Base | Hong Kong | 30 km |