Québec and Roseville are separated by a distance of approximately 2,552.8 mi in a straight line.
See also the distance Québec, 10 to Roseville, CA calculated for a road trip (by car) , calculated for a bike ride , walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram).
You also have the travel duration from Québec top Roseville and the cost of fuel (gasoline or diesel) to cover the distance between Québec and Roseville.
Distance (by car) between Québec and Roseville : .
Travel duration : .
Cost Fuel (Diesel): .
Cost Fuel (Petrol) : .
How to go to Québec by bus from any cities or places ? What is the best route from Roseville to Québec ? If you just wondering how far is Québec from Roseville ? You can find answers at these questions on this page and even more information like duration of the trip, the shorter and faster routes. Below, you have links to rent a car in Québec or Roseville if needed.
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- | Québec | Roseville |
State | Quebec | California |
Population | 528,595 Habitants | 130,269 inhabitants |
Average altitude | 54 m | 51 m |
Longitude | -71.2145400 | -121.2880100 |
Latitude | 46.8122800 | 38.7521200 |
Distance in straight line | 2,552.8 mi | |
Distance by car | ||
Travel duration (by car) | ||
Distance by bike | ||
Travel duration (by bike) |
Alternates names : Altepetl Quebec, Bandaraya Quebec, Cathair Quebec, Cathair Québec, Ciutat de Quebec, Gorad Kvebek, Jiji la Quebec, Kebec Vile, Kebek, Kebeko, Kebeku, Kempek, Kevek tava, Kota Quebec, Kuehbehk, Kvebek, Kvebeka, Kvebekas, Kwebek, Kwebek Shehiri, Kwébék, Kwébék Shehiri, Kébéc Vile, Kévek táva, Lungsod ng Quebec, Lungsod ng Québec, Quebec, Quebec Ceety, Quebec City, Quebec Hiria, Quebec llaqta, Quebec-chhi, Quebec-su, Quebecborg, Quebecceaster, Quebecstad, Quebecum urbs, Québec, Québec-chhī, Québec-sṳ, Québecborg, Siudad ti Quebec, Tchubec, Thanh pho Quebec, Thành phố Québec, Vila de Quebec, Vila de Quebèc, Ville de Quebec, Ville de Québec, YQB, kbk, kebaika sahira, kh wibek, kiyupek nakaram, kui bei ke shi, kvebeka siti, kwebeg, kyubeka nagara, mdynt kybk, qwwybq syty, Κεμπέκ, Горад Квебек, Квебек, Куэбэк, Քվեբեկ, קוויבק סיטי, مدينة كيبك, کبک, کیوبک شہر, क्यूबेक नगर, क्वेबेक सिटी, ਕੇਬੈਕ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ, கியூபெக் நகரம், ควิเบก, კვებეკი, ケベック・シティー, 魁北克市, 퀘벡
Cities | Population | Distance from Roseville, 10 |
Montréal, 10 | 1,600,000 inhabitants | 234 km |
Laval, 10 | 376,845 inhabitants | 236 km |
Gatineau, 10 | 242,124 inhabitants | 377 km |
Longueuil, 10 | 229,330 inhabitants | 228 km |
Saguenay, 10 | 143,692 inhabitants | 179 km |
Sherbrooke, 10 | 129,447 inhabitants | 166 km |
Lévis, 10 | 126,396 inhabitants | 3 km |
Trois-Rivières, 10 | 119,693 inhabitants | 114 km |
Terrebonne, 10 | 94,703 inhabitants | 224 km |
Repentigny, 10 | 76,237 inhabitants | 209 km |