Distance between Long Beach and New York City
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Distance from Long Beach to New York City

Long Beach and New York City are separated by a distance of approximately 2,449.2 mi in a straight line.

See also the distance Long Beach, CA to New York City, NY calculated for a road trip (by car) , calculated for a bike ride , walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram).

You can also visit our new route planning tool by following this link: distance and route from Long Beach to New York City.

You also have the travel duration from Long Beach top New York City and the cost of fuel (gasoline or diesel) to cover the distance between Long Beach and New York City.

Try ou new roadmap calculator at Distance from Long Beach to New York City for a better experience to organize your travel from Long Beach to New York City.

Distance by car :
Travel's duration :
Distance in straight line :
2,449.2 mi
Cost Fuel (Gasoline) :
Cost Fuel (Diesel) :
Distance by bike :
Duration by bike :

Distance (by car) between Long Beach and New York City : .
Travel duration : .
Cost Fuel (Diesel): .
Cost Fuel (Petrol) : .

How far is Long Beach from New York City ?

Best routes from Long Beach to New York City

How to go to Long Beach by bus from any cities or places ? What is the best route from New York City to Long Beach ? If you just wondering how far is Long Beach from New York City ? You can find answers at these questions on this page and even more information like duration of the trip, the shorter and faster routes. Below, you have links to rent a car in Long Beach or New York City if needed.

Rent a car in Long Beach or New York City

Last viewed distances from Long Beach

Comparison between Long Beach, California & New York City, New York

-Long BeachNew York City
StateCaliforniaNew York
Population474,140 Habitants8,175,133 inhabitants
Average altitude24 m57 m
Distance in straight line2,449.2 mi
Distance by car
Travel duration (by car)
Distance by bike
Travel duration (by bike)

Distances and roadmaps from Long Beach

Distance Long Beach, CA to Toronto, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Toronto, CA 2,600,000 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Montréal, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Montréal, CA 1,600,000 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Calgary, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Calgary, CA 1,019,942 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Ottawa, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Ottawa, CA 812,129 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Edmonton, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Edmonton, CA 712,391 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Mississauga, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Mississauga, CA 668,549 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to North York, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to North York, CA 636,000 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Winnipeg, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Winnipeg, CA 632,063 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Vancouver, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Vancouver, CA 600,000 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Scarborough, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Scarborough, CA 600,000 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Québec, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Québec, CA 528,595 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Hamilton, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Hamilton, CA 519,949 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Long Beach, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Long Beach, CA 474,140 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Brampton, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Brampton, CA 433,806 inhabitants
Distance Long Beach, CA to Surrey, NY Roadmap Long Beach, CA to Surrey, CA 394,976 inhabitants

Alternates names : Gorad Long-Bich, LGB, Litus Longum, Lon'nk Bits, Long Beach, Long Bich, Long Bijch, Long Bycas, Long Byčas, Long-Bich, Longbica, Longbīča, Lonq Bic, Lonq Biç, Willmore City, lam bica, lamga bica, lang bic, lang bych kalyfrnya, lang bych kylyfwrnya, langa bica, long-bichi, longbichi, lwng byz, lwngh bytsh, lxng bich, rongubichi, zhang tan, Λονγκ Μπιτς, Горад Лонг-Біч, Лонг Бийч, Лонг Бич, Лонг-Бич, Лонг-Біч, Լոնգ Բիչ, לונג ביץ, لانگ بیچ، کالیفرنیا, لانگ بیچ، کیلیفورنیا, لونغ بيتش, लङ्ग बीच, लाँग बीच, লং বিচ, లాంగ్ బీచ్, ลองบีช, ლონგ-ბიჩი, ឡងបច, ឡងប៊ិច, ロングビーチ, 長灘, 롱비치

Distances between New York City most populated cities of California

CitiesPopulationDistance from New York City, CA
Long Beach, CA 474,140 inhabitants 0 km
Carson, CA 93,281 inhabitants 11 km
Lakewood, CA 81,611 inhabitants 11 km
Seal Beach, CA 24,619 inhabitants 8 km
Signal Hill, CA 11,565 inhabitants 5 km