Pittsburgh and New York City are separated by a distance of approximately 314.6 mi in a straight line.
See also the distance Pittsburgh, PA to New York City, NY calculated for a road trip (by car) , calculated for a bike ride , walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram).
You can also visit our new route planning tool by following this link: distance and route from Pittsburgh to New York City.You also have the travel duration from Pittsburgh top New York City and the cost of fuel (gasoline or diesel) to cover the distance between Pittsburgh and New York City.
Distance (by car) between Pittsburgh and New York City : .
Travel duration : .
Cost Fuel (Diesel): .
Cost Fuel (Petrol) : .
How to go to Pittsburgh by bus from any cities or places ? What is the best route from New York City to Pittsburgh ? If you just wondering how far is Pittsburgh from New York City ? You can find answers at these questions on this page and even more information like duration of the trip, the shorter and faster routes. Below, you have links to rent a car in Pittsburgh or New York City if needed.
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- | Pittsburgh | New York City |
State | Pennsylvania | New York |
Population | 304,391 Habitants | 8,175,133 inhabitants |
Average altitude | 239 m | 57 m |
Longitude | -79.9958900 | -74.0059700 |
Latitude | 40.4406200 | 40.7142700 |
Distance in straight line | 314.6 mi | |
Distance by car | ||
Travel duration (by car) | ||
Distance by bike | ||
Travel duration (by bike) |
Alternates names : Allegheny, Fort Dunmore, Fort Duquesne, Fort Pitt, Fort Trent, Gorad Pitsburg, PIT, Pitsbrg, Pitsburg, Pitsburga, Pitsburgas, Pitsburgo, Pitsmpernk, Pitts-Bourg, Pittsbarig, Pittsburg, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgum, Pittsburq, The Manor of Pittsburgh, bytsbrgh, phitts beirk, pi ci bao, pi zi bao, picheubeogeu, pitasabaraga, pitsabarga, pitspark, pitsbarg, pittsubagu, pytsbrg pnsylwanya, pytsbwrg, Πίτσμπεργκ, Горад Пітсбург, Питсбург, Питсбърг, Питтсбург, Піттсбург, פיטסבורג, بيتسبرغ, پٹس برگ, پٹسبرگ, پیتسبرگ، پنسیلوانیا, पिट्सबर्ग, ਪਿਟਸਬਰਗ, பிட்ஸ்பர்க், పిట్స్బర్గ్, ಪಿಟ್ಸ್ಬರ್ಗ್, พิตต์สเบิร์ก, ピッツバーグ, 匹兹堡, 匹茲堡, 피츠버그
Cities | Population | Distance from New York City, PA |
Pittsburgh, PA | 304,391 inhabitants | 0 km |
Mount Lebanon, PA | 32,730 inhabitants | 11 km |
Whitehall, PA | 13,834 inhabitants | 9 km |
Munhall, PA | 11,247 inhabitants | 10 km |
Brentwood, PA | 9,512 inhabitants | 8 km |
Glenshaw, PA | 8,981 inhabitants | 11 km |
Dormont, PA | 8,465 inhabitants | 6 km |
Bellevue, PA | 8,252 inhabitants | 8 km |
Castle Shannon, PA | 8,235 inhabitants | 9 km |
Carnegie, PA | 7,931 inhabitants | 8 km |