Lexington-Fayette and New York City are separated by a distance of approximately 587.0 mi in a straight line.
See also the distance Lexington-Fayette, KY to New York City, NY calculated for a road trip (by car) , calculated for a bike ride , walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram).
You also have the travel duration from Lexington-Fayette top New York City and the cost of fuel (gasoline or diesel) to cover the distance between Lexington-Fayette and New York City.
Distance (by car) between Lexington-Fayette and New York City : .
Travel duration : .
Cost Fuel (Diesel): .
Cost Fuel (Petrol) : .
How to go to Lexington-Fayette by bus from any cities or places ? What is the best route from New York City to Lexington-Fayette ? If you just wondering how far is Lexington-Fayette from New York City ? You can find answers at these questions on this page and even more information like duration of the trip, the shorter and faster routes. Below, you have links to rent a car in Lexington-Fayette or New York City if needed.
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- | Lexington-Fayette | New York City |
State | Kentucky | New York |
Population | 314,488 Habitants | 8,175,133 inhabitants |
Average altitude | 304 m | 57 m |
Longitude | -84.4585500 | -74.0059700 |
Latitude | 38.0498000 | 40.7142700 |
Distance in straight line | 587.0 mi | |
Distance by car | ||
Travel duration (by car) | ||
Distance by bike | ||
Travel duration (by bike) |
Alternates names : Fayette County, Lexington, Lexington-Fayette
Cities | Population | Distance from New York City, KY |
Lexington-Fayette, KY | 314,488 inhabitants | 0 km |
Lexington, KY | 225,366 inhabitants | 7 km |
Monticello, KY | 6,103 inhabitants | 10 km |
Mount Vernon, KY | 2,583 inhabitants | 4 km |