Victorville is located in the state of California. Victorville population is about 122,225 inhabitants and it represents 0.04% of the population of California.
On this page, you can calculate the roadmap from Victorville to other destinations. See also distances and routes between Victorville and other cities and get information such as travel time and estimated fuel cost. If you are just wondering how far is Victorville from another place or city, you are just at th good place to find this information.
Alternate names : Huntington, Mormon Crossing, VCV, Victor, Victorville, Viktorvil, Viktorvill, Vikturvil, bhiktarabhila, bigteobil, fyktwrfyly, vu~ikutavu~iru, wei ke duo wei er, wyktwr wyl kalyfrnya, Викторвил, Викторвилл, Виктървил, فيكتورفيلي, وکٹورولے, ویکتور ویل، کالیفرنیا, भिक्टरभिल, ヴィクターヴィル, 维克多维尔, 빅터빌
Place | Distance |
Alternate names : Huntington, Mormon Crossing, VCV, Victor, Victorville, Viktorvil, Viktorvill, Vikturvil, bhiktarabhila, bigteobil, fyktwrfyly, vu~ikutavu~iru, wei ke duo wei er, wyktwr wyl kalyfrnya, Викторвил, Викторвилл, Виктървил, فيكتورفيلي, وکٹورولے, ویکتور ویل، کالیفرنیا, भिक्टरभिल, ヴィクターヴィル, 维克多维尔, 빅터빌
Airports | Cities | Distances |
San Bernardino International Airport | San Bernardino | 49 km |
Barstow Daggett Airport | Daggett | 58 km |
Ontario International Airport | Ontario | 61 km |
Riverside Municipal Airport | Riverside | 67 km |
Edwards Air Force Base | Edwards | 68 km |