Salinas is located in the state of California. Salinas population is about 157,380 inhabitants and it represents 0.05% of the population of California.
On this page, you can calculate the roadmap from Salinas to other destinations. See also distances and routes between Salinas and other cities and get information such as travel time and estimated fuel cost. If you are just wondering how far is Salinas from another place or city, you are just at th good place to find this information.
Alternate names : SNS, Salinae, Salinas, sa li na si, salinasa, sallinaseu, salynas, salynas kalyfrnya, sarinasu, Салинас, Салінас, ساليناس, سالیناس, سالیناس، کالیفرنیا, सालिनास, サリナス, 萨利纳斯, 살리나스
Place | Distance |
Alternate names : SNS, Salinae, Salinas, sa li na si, salinasa, sallinaseu, salynas, salynas kalyfrnya, sarinasu, Салинас, Салінас, ساليناس, سالیناس, سالیناس، کالیفرنیا, सालिनास, サリナス, 萨利纳斯, 살리나스
Airports | Cities | Distances |
Salinas Municipal Airport | Salinas | 5 km |
Monterey Peninsula Airport | Monterey | 20 km |
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport | San Jose | 80 km |
Moffett Federal Airfield | Mountain View | 89 km |
Merced Regional Macready Field | Merced | 122 km |
Captain's Inn at Moss LandingAdresse : Captain's Inn at Moss Landing8122 Moss Landing Road CA 95039 Moss Landing (California) | This nautical themed Moss Landing B&B offers unique rooms with free Wi-Fi. It provides a daily free hot breakfast that includes fruits, pastries and a home cooked main course. Monterey is 28 km away. Localised 17.69 km from Salinas center. Reservation |