Fairfield is located in the state of California. Fairfield population is about 112,970 inhabitants and it represents 0.04% of the population of California.
On this page, you can calculate the roadmap from Fairfield to other destinations. See also distances and routes between Fairfield and other cities and get information such as travel time and estimated fuel cost. If you are just wondering how far is Fairfield from another place or city, you are just at th good place to find this information.
Distance | Roadmap | Population |
Distance Fairfield Suisun | Roadmap Fairfield Suisun | 28,111 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Green Valley | Roadmap Fairfield Green Valley | 1,625 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Vacaville | Roadmap Fairfield Vacaville | 96,803 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Hartley | Roadmap Fairfield Hartley | 2,510 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Allendale | Roadmap Fairfield Allendale | 1,506 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Benicia | Roadmap Fairfield Benicia | 28,167 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Vallejo | Roadmap Fairfield Vallejo | 121,253 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Dixon | Roadmap Fairfield Dixon | 19,390 inhabitants |
Distance Fairfield Rio Vista | Roadmap Fairfield Rio Vista | 8,348 inhabitants |
Alternate names : Fairfield, Fehrfild, Fejrfild, Ferfild, Ferfildas, Feurfijld, SUU, feafirudo, fei er fei er de, fyrfyld, fyrfyld kalyfrnya, peeopildeu, pheyaraphilda, Фейрфілд, Ферфилд, Феърфийлд, Фэрфилд, فئرفیلڈ, فيرفيلد, فیئرفیلڈ، کیلیفورنیا, فیرفیلد، کالیفرنیا, फेयरफिल्ड, フェアフィールド, 費爾菲爾德, 페어필드
Place | Distance |
Alternate names : Fairfield, Fehrfild, Fejrfild, Ferfild, Ferfildas, Feurfijld, SUU, feafirudo, fei er fei er de, fyrfyld, fyrfyld kalyfrnya, peeopildeu, pheyaraphilda, Фейрфілд, Ферфилд, Феърфийлд, Фэрфилд, فئرفیلڈ, فيرفيلد, فیئرفیلڈ، کیلیفورنیا, فیرفیلد، کالیفرنیا, फेयरफिल्ड, フェアフィールド, 費爾菲爾德, 페어필드
Airports | Cities | Distances |
Travis Air Force Base | Fairfield | 10 km |
Sacramento Executive Airport | Sacramento | 56 km |
Metropolitan Oakland International Airport | Oakland | 61 km |
Sacramento International Airport | Sacramento | 63 km |
Mc Clellan Airfield | Sacramento | 73 km |
Courtyard Fairfield Napa Valley AreaAdresse : Courtyard Fairfield Napa Valley Area1350 Holiday Lane CA 94534 Fairfield (Califonia) | This hotel is a 5-minute drive from downtown Fairfield, California. The hotel hosts Spa Beaubelle, offering a variety of spa services, and has guest rooms with refrigerators. Localised 2.34 km from Fairfield center. Reservation |