Joliet is located in the state of Illinois. Joliet population is about 147,861 inhabitants and it represents 0.05% of the population of Illinois.
On this page, you can calculate the roadmap from Joliet to other destinations. See also distances and routes between Joliet and other cities and get information such as travel time and estimated fuel cost. If you are just wondering how far is Joliet from another place or city, you are just at th good place to find this information.
Alternate names : JOT, Joliet, Juliet
Place | Distance |
Alternate names : JOT, Joliet, Juliet
Airports | Cities | Distances |
Chicago Midway International Airport | Chicago | 40 km |
Dupage Airport | Chicago/West Chicago | 45 km |
Chicago O'Hare International Airport | Chicago | 53 km |
Greater Kankakee Airport | Kankakee | 54 km |
Gary Chicago International Airport | Gary | 57 km |
Harrah's Joliet Casino HotelAdresse : Harrah's Joliet Casino Hotel151 North Joliet Street IL 60432 Joliet (Illinois) | Offering a luxury on-site casino and several restaurants, this Joliet hotel is just a 10-minute walk from the Joliet Union Train Station. It offers spacious rooms with flat-screen TVs. Localised 0.24 km from Joliet center. Reservation |