Lawrence is located in the state of Kansas. Lawrence population is about 93,917 inhabitants and it represents 0.03% of the population of Kansas.
On this page, you can calculate the roadmap from Lawrence to other destinations. See also distances and routes between Lawrence and other cities and get information such as travel time and estimated fuel cost. If you are just wondering how far is Lawrence from another place or city, you are just at th good place to find this information.
Distance | Roadmap | Population |
Distance Lawrence Eudora | Roadmap Lawrence Eudora | 6,378 inhabitants |
Distance Lawrence Baldwin City | Roadmap Lawrence Baldwin City | 4,669 inhabitants |
Alternate names : Gorad Lourehns, LWC, Lawrence, Lorens, Lourens, lao lun si, larns knsas, lolenseu, lwrans, lwrns kanzas, rorensu, Горад Лоўрэнс, Лоренс, Лоуренс, Լոուրենս, لارنس، کنساس, لورانس, لورنس، کانزاس, ローレンス, 勞倫斯, 로렌스
Place | Distance |
Alternate names : Gorad Lourehns, LWC, Lawrence, Lorens, Lourens, lao lun si, larns knsas, lolenseu, lwrans, lwrns kanzas, rorensu, Горад Лоўрэнс, Лоренс, Лоуренс, Լոուրենս, لارنس، کنساس, لورانس, لورنس، کانزاس, ローレンス, 勞倫斯, 로렌스
Airports | Cities | Distances |
Philip Billard Municipal Airport | Topeka | 35 km |
Topeka Regional Airport - Forbes Field | Topeka | 37 km |
Kansas City International Airport | Kansas City | 58 km |
Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport | Kansas City | 58 km |
Rosecrans Memorial Airport | St Joseph | 93 km |